“Adapt what is useful, reject what is useless, and add what is specifically your own.” – Bruce Lee
Dad taught me that no matter what I aspired to do I should always find the best, learn from them, master their methods, and adapt this to my own applications. As hunters we are constant students. Always seeking to learn from those more experienced than us, adapt this knowledge to our own purposes, and pass these teachings on to the next generation. As the apex predators, hunters occupy the unique role of being both predators and protectors of the wild and its creatures.
The experience of hunting is as varied as the animals and geographies we hunt. What amazed us when we looked around this community is just how many credible and diverse influencers there are. What troubled us is how many of these authorities go overlooked by our fellow hunters. Their knowledge and experience white washed in the vast sea of content the internet provides, or silo-ed within the niche circles social media and its targeted marking algorithms produce. It’s with this in mind that we created Knights of the Apex. To share those individuals and companies who have helped and inspired us in our own pursuits and we hope do the same for you.
The Knights of the Apex are a collection of hunters, fishers, and outdoor enthusiasts dedicated to protecting our sports and the areas we engage in them. We believe that wisdom is power and the better we can serve as subject matter experts in the areas we are passionate about the more effective we can be as evangelists for these causes. Knights of the Apex is a young community and though our voice might be small we still have a voice and with that we make it our responsibility to do everything in our power to promote and contribute to the community that has given us so much. So to you early followers and newcomers alike we thank you and are proud to call you our fellow Knights.
The Knights of the Apex